Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Basilical of Sainte - Anne - de- Beaupre

These photos were taken on our vacation to Quebec little did we know that Pope Francis would be visiting here as well on his pilgrimage of penance tomorrow. Basilica of Sainte - Anne - de BeaupreThe Basilica of Saint - Anne- de - Beaupre The Basilia of Saint - Anne - de - Beaupre
I'm rather torn after listening to so many heartbreaking stories on TV today. The speeches by Pope Francis were sincere but fell on deaf ears because words can't heal the pain of the residential school system, teaching the fear of God instead of the love of God memories that can not be erased, the beatings the sexual abuse there were so many things left unsaid. What really struck me though was that at the end of the speeches, the pope was driven through the city of Quebec in an open vehicle and cheered from the side lines by his followers as if this was a celebration it seemed disrespectful somehow.